The Manager As Coach And Mentor
Eric Parsloe
Second Edition
A useful introductory text to the concepts of coaching and mentoring in the workplace.
In this short (just 89 pages) and easy to read book Parsloe defines mentoring and coaching and explains the differences as he sees them (you will find different writers do have different views). He then goes on to talk about the skills that are common to both, some basic principles for effectively implementing coaching and mentoring and finally some information about professional standards.
As well as some theoretical models you will also find some practical exercises to assess your own skills and knowledge and some practical tips to help you start the process of implementing mentoring and coaching with your team.
If you are a manager, team leader or supervisor you will find this book useful if you are new to the concept of coaching and mentoring and are looking for new ways to enhance the performance of the people you manage. Also if you are a student studying management, coaching or mentoring in the workplace then you may also find this useful as an introductory text.
I would recommend this book with the caveat that it is treated very much as an introductory text to the concepts of coaching and mentoring. It is aimed at coaching and mentoring in the workplace and being a pretty quick read will give you in a short time a foundation on which to develop your skills and knowledge further. After such a short book you can’t expect to become that experienced coach or mentor but you can expect to have raised your awareness of two approaches to managing that are increasingly becoming recognised as ways of improving employee performance.
As this was written in 1999 the final section about coaching and mentoring standards is somewhat limited and outdated, and by searching on the internet you will find a whole lot more information which will supplement what you will read here.
Louise Yates (executive and team coach; coach supervisor)
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